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How Can Regular Car Detailing Calgary help you in the winter?

Home Car Detailing Calgary How Can Regular Car Detailing Calgary help you in the winter?
Car Wash Calgary
17 Dec, 2020

It’s finally December, and the winters are officially here. With the novel coronavirus outbreak, throughout 2020, we couldn’t move out from our house as much as we would have liked, and it is still better to stay indoors most of the time till the vaccine releases. However, the winter spares no one, and with the season, we end up seeing a lot of ice and snow on the roads. Not only is that dangerous for travel, but with the road authorities being busy with plowing them off the street, the salt and sand mixture can be a rough condition for your vehicle if you don’t opt for the regular car detailing Calgary. 

Keep the Car Safe from Road Salt Rust and Damage

As a car owner, road salt can be a cause of concern because prolonged exposure to it can cause severe damage to the exterior. This means, whenever you will be taking your car out for a spin the next time, you will be welcomed by a damaged car, and NO ONE would want that to happen. Road salt, typically, is known to accelerate the rust accumulation of the exposed metal in your car. Some of the ways you can prevent your car from long-term damage are:

  1. Waxing: As part of your auto detailing Calgary routine, waxing gives you the adequate protection your vehicle needs. As you wax your car thoroughly before the snow falls and follow it up with a wax sealant, the vehicle’s paint will not be damaged. The one thing that you would have to note while sealing the underside is that you focus on the fuel lines and brake more to save them from being corroded. If by any chance, you ignore this step, you run a risk of accidents. 
  1. Washing: Yes, as I would already know, it seems futile to wash your car thoroughly in the winters because the snow will anyway damage the exterior, and your entire vehicle will be dirty as you take it out of the driveway. But trust me when I say washing is one of the best ways to combat the formation of any rust on the car. However, you need to ensure that you use hot water while you wash the car as cold water can do the opposite and freeze the parts instead.
  1. Rubber Mats: Imagine yourself walking on a road filled with a lot of snow and then entering your car to feel the warmth of the comfortable air once again. It feels nice, doesn’t it? Think of the floor mats and the idea of the snow in your feet now in the cracks. Not so nice anymore, I am sure. Well, this very snow, if kept like that for a long time, can melt and then start to form a layer of rust which no amount of scrubbing will be able to fix. Having rubber mats instead can help you prevent any damage altogether and then make cleaning a lot easier. 
  1. Fixing Scratches: As you are driving a car, it is quite common that the exterior surface gets scratches from various sources. While in the summer you could wait for a long while before working for a solution to the same, the winters are different. Whenever you see a scratch, it is always advised that you correct them right away before the snow falls on it and rust starts forming. Opting for a regular car detailing Calgary would ensure that you have a fresh coat of paint and sealants to stop any damage to the car.

Conclusion: Winter is the season to have fun, and even when we are sitting home due to the situation outside, we can trust our private cars to keep us safe while on the road. Happy Bays Car Wash and Detail Centre is one of the finest places for a complete auto detailing in Calgary that offers comprehensive services at competitive rates. Send us an email at for more information.

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