Every car owner should actually be prepping your vehicle with quality car maintenance on a seasonal basis to get the best performance out of it. Here is a basic auto maintenance guide to help you keep your car in excellent shape and running smooth in summer days. As it’s really getting hot outside and you will be hitting the road more for vacations, picnics, baseball games and hauling the boat to the lake.

Car Care Tips

Let’s get your vehicle ready for the extra miles with some effortless fuel saving tips.


You should make sure that your tires are rightly inflated and the alignment is correct. Also, if you are in need of new tires, go for the advanced fuel saver tires. The money you will save on fuel from putting on a new set of fuel saver tires might be well worth the investment. Thus, you could save as much as 4 percent on your fuel cost.


In the summer, cars are more likely to overheat and overheating is not is not only caused by the hot temperatures. Heavy driving can also cause your engine to overheat. Prepare for long trips on hot days by giving your automobile a thorough systems check. An oil check is a good step to start with. If the oil is a dark color or there’s a lot of grime and dirt present, it’s time for filter replacement and an oil change. Many technicians recommend an oil change every 3,000 miles, though some manuals extend that up to 7,500 miles. Go through your owner’s manual for proper guidance.

Cooling System

Your radiator along with associated passages can get junked up over time. Additionally, your coolant begins to go wrong with age. Both of these can cause not only poor cooling ability, but also damage metal parts in the cooling system. Maintaining the cooling system with a fresh coolant and flush is worth the effort.


Sometimes you forget to see that you have a bulb out. Now is a good time to see if you need to replace a headlight bulb. It is always to drive with one headlight.


Corrosion is very likely to increase during winter weather driving. Don’t forget to check your battery posts and cables to make sure you will have no starting problems.

Following these simple tips will make your summer driving real fun. Remember to get your car regularly detailed by professional car detailing service providers and as car safety begins with you. It also ends with you, since you are the one driving the car and this means not doing anything stupid like driving drunk or speeding. Do yourself as well as all of us a favor and skip those hazardous activities.