Your car serves as more than simply a means of transportation; it also expresses your sense of fashion and personality. Its visual appeal is increased, and its value is maintained by keeping it clean. Even though many Calgary residents choose to have their cars washed by professionals, learning how to do it yourself may be both satisfying and economical. We’ll go over the dos and don’ts of washing your car properly in this blog, whether you use a car wash in Calgary or do it yourself.

car wash in Calgary

The Dos & Don’ts of Car Washing

Take a look at the dos and don’ts of car washing shared by the experts, and take care of your car to keep its look intact.

The Dos

  1. Gather the Necessary Materials

Make sure you have all the tools you need before you start. These consist of:

  • Dish soap shouldn’t be used to wash your automobile because it can remove the wax.
  • Two buckets are suitable, one for washing with soapy water and the other for rinsing.
  • High-quality microfiber mitts or towels as these are kind to the paint on your car.
  • Use a mild wheel cleanser that is tailored to the kind of wheels you have (such as alloy, chrome, or steel).
  • Use a soft-bristled brush for wheel and tire cleaning.
  • Make sure you have access to clean water if you aren’t using a car wash facility.
  • Wash in a shaded area,because sunlight dries quickly, washing your car in direct sunlight can result in wet marks.
  • Pre-Rinse the Vehicle

Give your automobile a good rinse to get rid of any loose dirt or debris before adding soap. If a pressure washer or hose is available, use it. This action shields the wash against scratches.

  • Start From the Top

Always wash your car from the roof down, starting at the top. By doing this, you’ll avoid moving dirt from the car’s lower sections to its cleaner places.

  • Employ proper washing methods

Use the two-bucket method, rinsing your mitt or sponge in the second bucket while the first one holds soapy water. This stops dirt from returning to the surface of the car.

Straight Line Washing Do not move in circles, as this can result in swirl markings. Wash in a straight line instead.

  • Take Wheels and Tires into Account

One of your car’s dirtier components is its wheels and tires. Use a separate mitt or soft brush, along with an appropriate wheel cleaner, to clean them thoroughly. Rinse well to prevent any residue from affecting your car’s paint.

  • Rinse Thoroughly

After washing each section, rinse it thoroughly with clean water to remove all soap residue. Ensure there are no streaks left behind.

  • Dry Gently

To dry your car, utilize a high-quality microfiber towel or a spotless, soft cloth. Instead of rubbing it, gently pat it to prevent swirl marks.

  • Use wax

If you’re looking for extra shine and protection, consider applying a coat of wax after washing and drying your car. It provides a protective barrier against environmental elements.

The Don’ts for a Perfect Car Wash

  1. Avoid Using the Wrong Soap in Order to Have a Perfect Car Wash

Using dish soap or other abrasive detergents will remove the wax from your car’s paint and damage it. Use only special car wash soap.

  • Avoid washing in the sun

When washing your car in the sun, watermarks may appear quickly as it evaporates. Pick a shaded area or wash your automobile in the evening or early morning.

  • Avoid cleaning the entire automobile with a single cloth or sponge

Don’t use a single cloth or sponge, especially if it has accumulated a lot of dirt, for cleaning. Scratches and swirl marks may result from this.

  • Pay attention to your wheels and tires

When the wheels and tires are neglected during the car wash, your vehicle’s appearance will be impacted. Spend some time cleaning them completely.

  • Remember to rinse

Many people skip the critical step of rinsing. Inadequate rinsing might leave soap residue on your automobile, causing water stains and streaks.

  • Avoid utilizing abrasive materials

Your car’s paint can be scratched if you use steel wool or rough brushes. Use only gentle, non-abrasive materials and the proper cleaning agents.

  • Don’t skip drying

Leaving your car to air dry can lead to water spots. Always dry your car with a clean, soft cloth or microfiber towel.

Experts offering car wash in Calgary, always stresses on the importance of proper drying beside following the other steps.

  • Avoid waxing a dirty car

When wax is applied to a dirty car, dirt particles can get trapped underneath, leading to scratches and an uneven sheen. Before waxing, make sure your car has been well-cleaned.

Take away When done correctly, washing your car in Calgary may be a satisfying and rewarding activity. You can achieve a flawless car wash by adhering to the dos and don’ts listed in this blog, which will not only leave your car looking fantastic but also help preserve its value over time. These suggestions will guarantee that your car receives the attention it deserves, keeping it in immaculate condition for years to come, whether you select a professional car wash service or decide to use a wand wash in Calgary. For the best outcome, you can get in touch with Happy Bays Car Wash and Detail Center to hire professionals. Dial 403-247-8338.