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Top Mistakes You Make at a Self-Serve Car Wash in Calgary

Home Self Serve Car Wash Top Mistakes You Make at a Self-Serve Car Wash in Calgary
Automatic Car Wash Calgary
27 Aug, 2021

A self-serve car wash has always been one of the most commonly chosen options by people who look forward to cleaning their vehicles on their own by using professional equipment. It not only saves you a lot of time, but also money while you can give your vehicle the tender-loving care it needs. However, you need to remember that you don’t have a lot of time in your hands when it comes to a self-serve car wash and thereby should try your level best to avoid certain mistakes. Today, through this blog, let’s check out the most common mistakes you should steer clear of!

Top Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid at a Self-Serve Car Wash Facility

When it comes to a self-serve car wash in Calgary at a facility like Happy Bays Auto Detail Center, you get a restricted time of a few minutes within which you need to finish cleaning your whole vehicle. Some of the mistakes you might end up making during this time include:

  • Not Moving Fast Enough: You don’t have the whole day to keep working on your vehicle, and since the time is limited, you need to make every moment count. Chalk out a plan to follow and go step-by-step. Rinse the tires first, spray from the roof downwards, and try to get a helping hand with you to make the most of the time. 
  • Not Bringing Your Tools: A self-serve car wash facility is meant for public use even when during the time your vehicle is in the zone, it’s solely meant for you. However, the moment you step out, another car will take your place (just like you took another vehicle’s place) and use the same equipment. Rather than spending the limited time you have in the facility by cleaning brushes, bring your own and save a lot of time. 
  • Not Emptying Trash & Ashtrays: Two of the top sources of a foul-smelling car interior are spilled food and cigarette smoke. Needless to say, these are also ideal breeding grounds for bacteria and germs. Before you visit the facility for washing your vehicle, don’t forget to empty the ashtrays and trash bins to save precious time. 
  • Skipping the Wheel Arches: As a car owner, you want your vehicle to last longer, right? So, don’t forget to clean the wheel arches. These areas are one of the top places where grime and mud accumulates, and with time, rust will eat away the metal. Since they don’t take much time to clean, wheel arches should be first on the list of a car wash. 
  • Improper Rinsing Techniques: To speed up the cleaning process, self-serve car wash facilities often use chemically-laden soaps. To ensure that you don’t have any chemicals or toxic substances left on the surface of the vehicle, you need to rinse the same thoroughly. Don’t miss out on any hard-to-reach places or nooks. Follow a proper protocol while cleaning the vehicle, starting from the tires and then going the roof downwards.

Conclusion: While you are using a self-serve facility for car wash, it is often that you might miss out on certain aspects of cleaning and end up with average results. However, if you avoid these common mistakes, you will be good to go. Happy Bays Detail Center is one of the finest centres for self-serve car wash in Calgary that offers car-specific products and private bays at the best rate. Feel free to get in touch for more details. 

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